020 3475 3490


Walthamstow Primary Academy is free of charge and open to children of all backgrounds and abilities.

  • Reception Admissions

    Entry into Reception

    Applications for places are dealt with by the Waltham Forest Schools Admissions Service. They will handle all questions and issues arising; we remain neutral in this process. Please click here for information on this.

    We have one intake each year, at the start of the Autumn Term. Reception pupils are normally admitted to school in the September following their 4th birthday. Prospective parents are most welcome to make an appointment to look around our school.

    Parents are usually asked to complete preference forms in the Autumn of the year before the child starts school. Places are allocated in the late Spring /early Summer Term – we have a maximum intake of 30 children in each class. Following this stage, some parents choose to appeal if their choices have not been met.

    Once we know our exact intake, we begin the process of ensuring every child’s entry into school is happy and relaxed. In the Summer Term before the September start, parents are invited to a ‘Stay and Play’ session with their children to find out more about how we work and ask any questions they might still have. This meeting also gives parents the opportunity to meet and talk with the Reception class teacher and other support staff. Reception staff arrange to visit each child within their home, these are carried out in the July or early September before the child starts.

  • Admissions Policy

    Oversubscription criteria

    If the number of preferences for the school is more than the number of places available, places will be allocated in the following priority order:

    1. Looked after children: children who are in the care of local authorities as defined by Section 22 of the Children Act 1989.
    2. Children who the local authority accepts have an exceptional medical or social need for a place at the school;
    3. Children with siblings at the school (not in the first year);
    4. Children of staff who are employed by the Trust.
    5. Children who live nearest to the school.

    If two or more children are ranked equally on any of the above criteria, random allocation will determine which child or children are offered places. In this case, a child or children’s names will be randomly selected from a total list of tied applicants by someone unconnected with the school.

    Pupils with statements of Special Educational Need will not be subject to the application of the oversubscription criteria. They will be allocated a place at Walthamstow Primary Academy if their statement nominates the school as being the most suitable.

    Admissions Policy.

  • In Year Admissions

    Entry into Years 1 - Years 6

    In-Year applications are also dealt with by the Waltham Forest Schools Admissions Service. After accepting a place at the school, children and their parents are invited to attend an admissions meeting with the Executive Head teacher to discuss their transition into the school and to agree an admission date.

    For further details regarding admissions, please refer to the school admission policy.

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